Are you charmed by Indonesia’s nature and cultural beauty? Well, you should consider a visa immigration lawyer to assist you with entry regulations if you intend to stay in or travel to Indonesia.

Essentially, Indonesian immigration laws function to control the entry and exit of the country. So, foreign nationals intending to stay or settle in Indonesia are required to obtain a valid residence permit.

The process of obtaining an entry permit or visa may be a complex and challenging experience, especially if you have any problem with your paperwork or anything else. Thus, immigration lawyers are available to assist you in navigating the process of obtaining a permit.

But before you consider hiring a visa immigration lawyer, let’s explore the details about them and the types of visas available in Indonesia here!

Read Also: Indonesia Immigration: Know-How About Visa Applications

The Role of Visa Immigration Lawyer

the role of visa immigration lawyer

In general, an immigration lawyer assists individuals, families, and businesses in navigating the complex immigration process. Immigration lawyers can represent individuals on their legal rights and obligations linked to immigration or represent them in administrative courts.

Immigration lawyers can advise foreign nationals on matters such as visa requests, green cards, citizenship, naturalization, deportation, employment of noncitizens, etc.

Therefore, a visa immigration lawyer can help people put together the paperwork and applications they need to obtain a visa. Immigration lawyers who specialize in visas can also advise and direct clients to apply for the best visa that suits their needs.

Benefits of Hiring A Visa Immigration Lawyer

After you are familiar with the various kinds of roles that immigration lawyers play, you may be curious about the benefits of hiring one, especially one that has expertise in visas. Discover it below!

1. Avoid Mistakes in Filing the Paperwork

Filling out the appropriate paperwork for obtaining a visa is a crucial yet challenging process, especially if you have yet to experience applying for one in Indonesia.

Here is where a visa immigration lawyer can help. With their expertise in law and mastery of Indonesian culture, background, and customs, they can guide you through the process of fulfilling the necessary paperwork.

2. Give Options of Permit to Apply

There are multiple options for obtaining a permit to stay or visit Indonesia, from a visa on arrival to a limited stay permit. You may need to know these options when navigating the procedure alone. 

In this case, hiring a visa immigration lawyer can be useful for you. They can present you with numerous possibilities, outline the benefits and drawbacks of each choice, and ensure you know the implications of your decision on the visa application.

Read Also: A Guide to Getting A Bali Visa for US Citizens Properly

Types of Visas in Indonesia

types of visas in indonesia

You may have already become familiar with the roles and benefits of hiring a visa immigration lawyer. However, to decide if you require one, you can initially learn about the various visas available in Indonesia. Here are some of the visas available in Indonesia:

1. Visa on Arrival 

Visa on Arrival (VoA) can be obtained when you arrive at the airport in Indonesia. This visa allows you to stay in Indonesia for a maximum of 30 days and can be extended for another 30 days if needed.

To get your visa on arrival, you wIll need to have your passport with you and ensure it has at least six months of validity. Additionally, you will need to present proof of COVID-19 vaccination, a return or onward ticket, and evidence of sufficient funds to support yourself while in Indonesia. You will also need to pay the visa fee upon arrival. 

2. Social/Tourist/Cultural Visa – B211

If you are planning a visit to Indonesia for reasons other than tourism, such as for journalism, government activities, or family visits, you may want to consider the B211 visa option. This visa permits you to stay in Indonesia for up to 60 days so that you can participate in cultural activities.

However, it is essential to keep in mind that you will need to get a sponsor statement from an Indonesian citizen or entity. This statement confirms the purpose of your visit and will need to be included with your application for the B211 visa. 

This visa can be an excellent option if you are looking to spend time in Indonesia for reasons other than just sightseeing. So, be sure to learn about it thoroughly and understand the requirements before making your decision.

3. Limited Stay Permit

A limited stay permit, known as ITAS (Izin Tinggal Terbatas), is issued for foreign nationals who want to stay in Indonesia for an extended period. 

If you are visiting Indonesia for tourism purposes only, you may not require this stay permit. However, if you are a foreign national working in Indonesia, you may need an ITAS to stay longer for work-related duties.

To apply for an ITAS, you will need to submit some necessary documents such as a request letter from your sponsor, a copy of your sponsor’s ID card, a copy of your valid passport with at least 18 months validity, a bank statement with a minimum balance of $10k, proof of COVID-19 vaccination, and additional documentation if needed, such as a recommendation letter from your institution.

4. Permanent Stay Visa

A permanent stay visa, known as ITAP (Izin Tinggal Tetap), permits specific foreign nationals to settle and reside in Indonesia as Indonesian residents. If you qualify for this permit, you can stay in Indonesia for up to five years. 

However, if you are a foreign national with a marital status or a child who holds a permanent stay permit and is born in Indonesia, the validity period will be adjusted to match that of your spouse or parent.

Simply put, if you want to stay in Indonesia for a longer term, this permit can be an option for you. It is essential to understand the requirements and application process before applying. Once granted, it allows you to live and work in Indonesia for an extended period.

All in all, if you are a foreign visitor planning to visit or stay in Indonesia, a visa immigration lawyer can be your best ally in navigating the complex process of obtaining an entry permit. With their expertise, you can have a better understanding of the available visa options and increase your chances of successfully obtaining a permit. 

But, if you are feeling unsure about hiring one, you can contact DoortoID for a quick, professional, and transparent visa application.

DoortoID offers a hassle-free and efficient service to assist you with your visa application. With their quick, professional, and transparent process, you can have peace of mind knowing that your visa application is in good hands. 

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