eermls tHave you ever considered staying in Indonesia for good? Well, if you do, you may have to prepare your permanent residence permit for living in Indonesia, which is referred to as ITAP (Izin Tinggal Tetap) or KITAP (Kartu Izin Tinggal Tetap).

Izin Tinggal Tetap is a permit granted for specific foreign nationals that attempt to settle and reside in Indonesia as Indonesian residents. It has a validity of 5 years for the majority of applicants, except for a foreign national with marital status and a permanent stay permit holder’s child that is born in Indonesia, as the validity period in that category is adjusted to their spouse or parent.

Learn more about the details of Izin Tinggal Tetap if you are thinking of settling in Indonesia by reading the information below.

Who Can Get ITAP?

itap application

As mentioned previously, Izin Tinggal Tetap is a permanent residence permit that is exclusively issued to particular foreign nationals. 

These are the following groups of people that will be given permanent stay permit:

  1. Foreign nationals that hold the ITAS/KITAS (limited residency permit) as clergy, workers, investors, and elderly tourists.
  2. Newborn children that are born in Indonesia and at the time of birth their parents are holders of ITAP/KITAP.
  3. Family of a mixed marriage.
  4. Husband/wife/children of foreign ITAP/KITAP holders.
  5. Foreign with former Indonesian citizenship.
  6. Children with former dual citizenship.

What Makes Your ITAP to be Dismissed?

itap dismissal

Even if you have already been issued Izin Tinggal Tetap during your stay in Indonesia, there are a number of circumstances that will cause your permanent stay permit to be revoked. 

These are several conditions that will get your residency to be dismissed:

  1. Return to the original country without returning until the re-entry permit has expired.
  2. Izin Tinggal Tetap is not being renewed after 5 years.
  3. The Head of the Immigration Office/Appointed Immigration Officer cancels the permit.
  4. Being deported.
  5. Pass away.

Read also: Second Home Visa: Long-Term Residency for Foreigners 

Requirements for ITAP

ITAP or KITAP can only be given to a 4th ITAS holder who already lives in Indonesia for three consecutive years without applying for EPO (Exit Permit Only). In addition to that, there are required documents for the application, such as:

General Requirements

  1. Proof of Online Registration
  2. Letter of application and letter of guarantee
  3. Power of Attorney (if authorized)
  4. E-KTP (Electronic Identity Card) of the Guarantor
  5. Passport
  6. Kartu Izin Tinggal Tetap (Permanent Residence Permit Card)
  7. Foreign E-KTP (Electronic Identity Card)
  8. Other special required documents depending on subject of ITAP/KITAP

Special Requirements

  1. For foreign nationals with former Indonesian citizenship: Letter of losing citizenship in Indonesia, birth certificate, E-KTP (Electronic Identity Card), passport, and certificate that states they were once an Indonesian citizen).
  2. For children of Izin Tinggal Tetap holders: Birth certificate from hospital, birth report from Immigration, marriage book, parents’ passport, parents’ Izin Tinggal Tetap
  3. For children with former dual citizenship: Proof of passport return, decree of Indonesian citizenship revocation, and proof of immigration facility card revocation.

Procedure for ITAP/KITAP Extension

You must extend your Izin Tinggal Tetap  if you intend to stay in Indonesia for a longer period of time. The steps for the extension are as follows:

  1. Applicant registers online and brings the following documents required to the Immigration Office: (a) A request for extension, (b) KTP (Kartu Tanda Penduduk) and KK (Kartu Keluarga) of the guarantor, (c) KTP (Identity Card) and Family Card of the applicant, and (d) Other documents required for the application.
  2. The officer gives the applicant Perdim Form to the applicant, checks the completeness of the documents required, prints the application form, enters data, scans documents, and identifies and verifies data.
  3. The applicant makes immigration fee payments through Perception Bank (a specific bank chosen by immigration) or through Pos Indonesia.
  4. If necessary, Inteldakim officers will carry out field checks.
  5. Interview officers will interview the applicant and take the applicant’s biometrics (photos, fingerprints, and signatures).
  6. Approval of Extension by the Director General of Immigration.
  7. Printing KITAP (Permanent Stay Permit Card).
  8. Stamping the ITAP and MERP on the national passport signed by the appointed head of immigration office/officer.
  9. The officer will scan the final document and give the KITAP  (Permanent Stay Permit Card) and passport to the applicant.

Exception to the Obligation of Having ITAP/KITAP

There are several circumstances where you are not obligated to have Izin Tinggal Tetap. Below are the circumstances of the exception:

  1. Detained due to the process of investigation, prosecution, and examination in court or serving a sentence of confinement/prison sentence in a correctional institution.
  2. Obtain permission to be outside of the Immigration Detention Center.
  3. Stay in Indonesian territory for being a victim of the human trafficking criminal act.
  4. Being in the Immigration Detention Center/Immigration Detention Room based on a detention order.

So, that is all there is to know about permanent residence permit and the application and extension processes for it. Are you still feeling unsure about the application? Don’t worry, DoorToID can help you with the application quickly, professionally, and transparently.

Read also: Indonesia Immigration: Know-How about Visa Applications