During the pandemic, traveling has become quite a difficult thing to do. Fortunately, as the condition gets better around the world, the gates to several countries have been opened again for tourists. As such, Indonesia is one of many countries that opens its borders to travelers around the world.

Do you know how you should prepare for entering Indonesia this year? Learn about some needed information about Indonesia entry requirements that you must know before setting foot in the country below!

Entry Requirements for International Travelers

entering indonesia

Figure 1: A picture of an international traveler in an airport.

Visiting foreign countries requires certain arrangements, and a lot of times it may not be easy for first-time travelers. If you plan a holiday in a tropical country, like Indonesia, you will need to adhere to certain rules first.

As a traveler, you need to know how to enter Indonesia properly so that you won’t get caught up in immigration problems. Indonesia entry requirements urge international travelers to choose one of the following visas:

Each of the visas provides a different service to the holder. The period of stay for Visa on Arrival, Visa Exemption, and Diplomatic and Service Card holders is limited to 30 days. As for Multiple Entry and Limite Stay, the length of stay is determined by the embassy.

If you intend to stay for more than 30 days, you can apply for a Single Entry visa. With that visa, you can stay in Indonesia up to 60 days, as authorized by the Indonesian immigration office. Furthermore, you can extend the visa up to two times if you intend to stay longer.

So, what exactly are the Indonesia entry requirements you need to meet? As an international traveler, you must have certain documents and follow the health protocols as soon as you land in Indonesia. Here are the details on what you need to enter Indonesia:


Foreign nationals who wish to enter Indonesia should abide by the rules of Indonesian immigration. As a part of Indonesia entry requirements, generally, you will need to provide certain documents listed below:

Even though the COVID-19 outbreak is winding down, all foreign nationals who wish to enter Indonesia still need to provide proof of vaccination until further notice. It is to ensure the safety of the country post-pandemic.

Health Protocols

As of today, the COVID-19 protocols are getting loosened up in Indonesia. Foreign nationals who wish to enter the country do not need to undergo the COVID-19 checks. This situation makes it easier for international travelers around the world to go through the immigration process.

Read also: Indonesia Immigration: Know-How about Visa Applications 

Applying for Visas

applying for visa

As a part of Indonesia entry requirements, foreign nationals need to apply for visas. We have mentioned previously that there are several types of visas to choose from. However, there are some exceptions when it comes to visa applications in Indonesia.

You will be exempt from a visa application if you come from the following countries:

  1. Brunei Darussalam
  2. Philippines
  3. Cambodia
  4. Laos
  5. Malaysia
  6. Myanmar
  7. Singapore
  8. Thailand
  9. Vietnam

On the other hand, nationalities from these countries can apply for Visa on Arrival through the immigration counter:

  1. ​​Albania
  2. Andorra
  3. Argentina
  4. Australia
  5. Austria
  6. Bahrain
  7. Belarus
  8. Belgium
  9. Bosnia and Herzegovina
  10. Brazil
  11. Brunei Darussalam
  12. Bulgaria
  13. Cambodia
  14. Canada
  15. Chile
  16. China
  17. Colombia
  18. Croatia
  19. Cyprus
  20. Czech Republic
  21. Denmark
  22. Ecuador
  23. Egypt
  24. Estonia
  25. Finland
  26. France
  27. Germany
  28. Greece
  29. Hong Kong
  30. Hungary
  31. Iceland
  32. India
  33. Ireland
  34. Italy
  35. Japan
  36. Jordan
  37. Kuwait
  38. Laos
  39. Latvia
  40. Liechtenstein
  41. Lithuania
  42. Luxembourg
  43. Malaysia
  44. Maldives
  45. Malta
  46. Mexico
  47. Monaco
  48. Morocco
  49. Myanmar
  50. Netherlands
  51. New Zealand
  52. Norway
  53. Oman
  54. Palestine
  55. Peru
  56. Philippines
  57. Poland
  58. Portugal
  59. Qatar
  60. Rumania
  61. Russia
  62. San Marino
  63. Saudi Arabia
  64. Serbia
  65. Seychelles
  66. Singapore
  67. Slovakia
  68. Slovenia
  69. South Africa
  70. South Korea
  71. Spain
  72. Suriname
  73. Sweden
  74. Switzerland
  75. Taiwan
  76. Thailand
  77. Timor Leste
  78. Tunisia
  79. Turkey
  80. Ukraine
  81. United Arab Emirates
  82. United Kingdom
  83. United States of America
  84. Uzbekistan
  85. Vatican
  86. Vietnam

Visa Exemption and Visa on Arrival applications can be made at immigration counters. If you wish to enter the country with a single entry visa or a multiple entry visa, you must go through a different process.

You must go through an online application if you want to obtain other visas aside from the ones mentioned above. In this case, you can apply for your visa through DoorToID.

Nevertheless, you will still need a guarantor to apply for your Indonesian visa. Once you submit your application, the immigration officer will go through your documents. Here are the steps of the application:

Ports of Entry in Indonesia

To apply for a visa, you can go directly to the port of entry in airports across the country. Here is the list of ports of entry in Indonesia’s international airports:

  1. Soekarno Hatta, Jakarta
  2. Halim Perdana Kusuma, Jakarta
  3. Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta
  4. Kertajati, West Java
  5. Ngurah Rai, Bali
  6. Juanda, East Java
  7. Hang Nadim, Riau Island
  8. Sultan Iskandar Muda, Aceh
  9. Kualanamu, North Sumatera
  10. Minangkabau, West Sumatera
  11. Sultan Syarif Kasim II, Riau
  12. Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman, East Kalimantan
  13. Sam Ratulangi, North Sulawesi
  14. Sultan Hasanuddin, South Sulawesi
  15. Zainuddin Abdul Madjid, West Nusa Tenggara
  16. Sentani, Papua

So, do you have everything you need to make a trip to Indonesia? Aside from the necessary documents, you must also be in good health to be allowed to cross the border. Make sure to prepare yourself well so you can enjoy your time in Indonesia to the fullest.

In order to help you enter Indonesia safely, you must provide all the documents necessary to grant you the stay permit that you need. You can contact DoorToID to help you get the right visa for your visit quickly, professionally, and transparently.

Read also: Second Home Visa: Long-Term Residency for Foreigners