Preparing answers to immigration visa questions is one of the things you should take note of before booking a flight to Indonesia.

The immigration officer will be the one who asks you questions about your visit. It’s important to make sure that every question you answer is based on your purpose for visiting Indonesia.

In order to get you the right visa,  you must make sure that you fill out the information about your identity and answer the questions accordingly.

To help you prepare for your trip to Indonesia, regardless of your purposes, we have curated a list of the most commonly asked immigration visa questions. Let’s check it out below!

10 Common Immigration Visa Questions in Indonesia

immigration process at the airport

Whether you are traveling for business, study, or leisure, going through immigration can be an experience for which you may not be prepared.

One of the things that can help you prepare is to be aware of the most commonly asked questions by immigration officers.

Just like any immigration process in other countries, you will be asked several things upon arriving at the airport.

The immigration officer will ask you some common questions about your identification and your intent to visit the country. As such, you must give the corresponding answers.

1. What is the purpose of your visit?

Immigration officers will usually ask this question to determine the reason for your travel. Be honest and concise in your answer, whether it is for tourism, business, study, or visiting relatives.

2. How long will you stay?

One of the most common immigration questions in Indonesia is “how long will you stay in the country?”

So, be specific about your intended length of stay. Make sure that it is within the duration of your visa or visa-free entry period.

Read also: Indonesia Immigration: Know-How about Visa Applications 

3. Where will you stay?

Among the list of Indonesia immigration visa questions, asking the place you stay is a common one. Hence, answering this question is quite simple.

You just need to show the address and contact information of the place where you will be staying, such as a hotel, hostel, or with a friend or family member, to the immigration officer.

4. Are you traveling alone?

Usually, the immigration officer will ask if you are traveling on your own. Alternatively, you will also be asked about whom you travel with.

In this case, you can honestly say who your travel buddies are. If you travel all by yourself, then you can say that you come alone.

5. Do you have a return or onward ticket?

The immigration officer will also ask you to confirm your possession of a return or onward ticket after your stay in Indonesia ends.

Make sure to bring your return ticket or proof of onward travel to show the officer that you plan to leave the country before your visa expires.

6. How much money are you carrying?

You may be asked to show proof of sufficient funds to cover your expenses during your stay. Make sure to bring a copy of your bank or credit card statement to show that you can cover your personal expenses.

7. What is your occupation?

During your chat with the immigration officer, you will be asked about your occupation. This is a necessary question to confirm that you are not a part of an extremist group that poses a threat to Indonesia.

8. Have you been to this country before?

If you have been to the country before, you can provide details of your previous visits, as confirmed by your passport.

9. Do you have anything to declare?

Be honest in answering this question. If you have legal goods that require you to pay taxes, then you should say yes and proceed with the customs declaration.

10. Do you have relatives here?

One of the immigration visa questions that may not seem important but is essential is about Indonesian relatives. The immigration officer does this to confirm that you are not related to the extremist group that proves to be a threat to the country’s security.

Preparing for immigration visa questions can help alleviate stress and ensure a smoother entry into the country. That way, you will be able to answer all the questions without any issues.

Being truthful, concise, and prepared with the necessary documents can make all the difference. Such is a part of Indonesia’s entry requirements that you should know before going on a trip.

In case you haven’t figured out how to apply for the right visa, you can contact DoorToID. With our help, you will get the information you need quickly, professionally, and transparently.

To make sure your visa application goes smoothly, you can also use DoorToID mobile applications which you can get from PlayStore or App Store.

Read also: Travel Guide: What You Should Know Before Visiting Indonesia