Established In 2018
DoorToID was founded in 2018 when we decided to create a one-stop service solution for foreigners. Our team comes from many different backgrounds and experiences, but ultimately, we understand the difficulties of living overseas and the hassles we were in as foreigners.
With this in mind, we pursue to create an integrated solution that will meet all foreigners’ need, from leisures to incorporation to tax advisory. We are DoorToID, the ultimate solution for all foreigners to enter Indonesia.

Why Us
Our team is composed of individuals with many different backgrounds and experiences. Ultimately, we have a common understanding of the difficulties of living overseas and the hassles we were in as foreigners. Whether it is from day to day living to tax reporting, we have faced these challenges once or more in our lifetime.
With this in mind, we present to you DoorToID. An integration solution that will meet all foreigners’ needs from leisures to incorporation to tax advisory.
Continue to simplify the process for all foreign entities who wants to enter Indonesia and make the process as effortless.
Making Indonesia without border by simplifying and creating transparency in all aspects.